About Us
Peppercorn Place was established to provide therapeutic care and support to the most vulnerable individuals in the community, Peppercorn place was founded with the idea that everyone deserves a safe haven of safe care and connection. Peppercorn Trees in Australian Public schools are iconic and represent the concept of sharing lunch with friends under the shade and safety of a Peppercorn Tree.
Peppercorn Place Recruitment
As an innovative new agency in the market, we arrive with over ten years’ experience in the child protection and disability sector. We have access to extensive networks and sourcing channels that assist us in finding the right candidate for every role.
Our competitive advantage lies in our commitment to empowering others through professional development. We provide core training in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and Youth Mental First Aid to all our Candidates as part of the recruitment package we offer to our clients prior to presenting candidates to our customers for consideration.
We can scale to meet your talent needs and provide the services that deliver on your organisation’s goals. We are working for your tomorrow, together.
From permanent, temporary and contract hiring to executive search, we will work with you to ensure the right candidate is welcomed into your organisation.
Individualised recruitment packages are available to ensure all the hard work is done, saving you time and productivity, including all probity clearances completed for you.

Peppercorn Place specialises in recruitment for:
Short term staff options in Youth Work and Case Work in Out of home care and disability support
Permanent Youth Worker and Case Work positions in Out of home care and disability support
Executive staffing recruitment
Peppercorn Place Contract staff for Youth Work and Disability work
Remote and Regional staffing options available
Peppercorn Place Recruitment
Peppercorn Place will further develop your team and further advance your capabilities as a leader. By optimising how you engage, motivate, and lead your staff, you are best positioned to add substantial and impactful value to your organisation.
Peppercorn Place accredited trainers have over 15 years’ experience working with children and young people who are currently residing or have experienced living within the out of home care system along with adults and extended families who have experienced trauma, sexual abuse, disability, family violence, loss and grief and mental health challenges.
Our qualified and experienced trainers organically share their skills and expertise through safe and supportive training, presentations and professional supervision.
Peppercorn Place allows you to upskill more people across your organisation in a cost effective and flexible way. Maximise your training budget, by asking us today about individualised training bundles and large group discounts. Training bundles are available for 3 – 100 staff members allowing for impactful and affordable training opportunities that support your staff training needs.

Supported Family Time (Supervised Contact)
Peppercorn Place Supported Family Time program assists children and young people to enjoy a pleasant and safe visit with immediate, and extended family members. Our therapeutic support team provide a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment, resulting in a positive experience for all participants.
Our Supported Family Time program includes:
A tailored program to encourage positive family interaction and assists to develop and strengthen connections.
Visits in a variety of family friendly locations, such as venues within the community or our safe and supportive family centred contact locations.
Detailed and prompt reporting following family interactions.


Peppercorn Place offer a supportive and reliable transport service for children, young people and families to local, regional or interstate locations.
All of our company vehicles have professionally installed child seats that accommodate ages as per Australian safety legislation.
Our transport services include:
Transport to and from school
To and from respite and emergency locations
Transport to appointments, and/or court proceedings
Camps or family vacations
Interstate transport and travel bookings.
These services are available for children and young people of all ages, and levels of ability and functioning. Our transport services are available at short notice, or pre-booked – both inside and outside of business hours and during holidays. Peppercorn Place transport services can be linked with our Supported Family Time, Respite or Mentoring services

Place Respite House
The Peppercorn Place Holiday house program includes therapeutically trained professional staff 24 / 7, accommodation, food, and activities. Transport to the holiday house can be included for an additional cost.
Our Holiday Home is also available to support intensive family support services. Our services provide a safe haven for families working through their personal reunification journey. We believe that building the capacity of the adults who care for children is the most powerful way of promoting child wellbeing and safety and for ensuring meaningful and sustained change for children and families.
Our hands on mentoring and coaching approach within the holiday home allows for safe, therapeutic and meaningful coaching whilst respectfully collaborating with the parents or family members involved in the family support service. The focus of the program is to work through the safety and risk issues that may arise to ensure that their children can safely and therapeutically transition to their family’s care. Throughout the intensive family support service program, our trained staff complete extensive reports to meet legislative requirements that provide clear and concise snapshots of the individual family’s progress that is provided to the case work provider.